domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015

💙 Ces personnes attendent de pouvoir tchatter avec toi !

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Nouveaux membres
Lindsey, 38, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
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Tammy, 42, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
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Johanna, 39, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
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Tu as reçu cette notification car tu as un profil en tant que Auraog.blogdoerivelc ( sur Twoo - Désinscription. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636.

sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2015

💙 Ces personnes attendent de pouvoir tchatter avec toi !

Jette un œil à l'activité sur ton profil Twoo

Nouveaux membres
Mark, 37, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
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Maikel, 32, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
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Jeff, 45, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
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Découvre à qui tu plais en temps réel grâce à l'application Twoo
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Tu as reçu cette notification car tu as un profil en tant que Auraog.blogdoerivelc ( sur Twoo - Désinscription. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636.

segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2015

Tu as raté Franco de Argentine, MI

Auraog.blogdoerivelc, tu as manqué un tchat avec Franco !
Message de Franco
Franco, 36
Home Argentine, MI
Voir ses photos →
Franco cherchait quelqu'un comme toi aujourd'hui, mais tu n'étais pas connecté.
Pourquoi ne pas tchatter avec lui maintenant ?

Commence à tchatter
Amuse-toi bien !
L'équipe Twoo
Tu as reçu ce message car tu as un profil en tant que Auraog.blogdoerivelc ( sur Twoo - Se désinscrire. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636.

domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2015

Rencontre plus de personnes qui te plaisent grâce à Twoo Premium


Rencontre plus de personnes qui te plaisent grâce à Twoo Premium

Tout est plus simple avec Twoo Premium !
Il en faut plus pour te convaincre ? Nous t'offrons dès maintenant 20 % de réduction !

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Les membres Premium apparaissent plus souvent dans Découvrir et obtiennent ainsi plus de gens qui les suivent & plus de membres compatibles !

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Tu as reçu cette notification car tu as un profil Twoo en tant que Auraog.blogdoerivelc ( Se désinscrire. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636. Tu as des questions ? Écris-nous à pour une réponse en anglais dans l'heure, ou à l'adresse si tu préfères recevoir une réponse en français.

sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2015

Ces personnes attendent de pouvoir tchatter avec toi !

Jette un œil à l'activité sur ton profil Twoo

Nouveaux membres
Debbie, 43, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
Dis bonjour - Consulte son profil
Kate, 28, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
Dis bonjour - Consulte son profil
Edan, 26, nous a rejoint aujourd'hui
Dis bonjour - Consulte son profil
Découvre à qui tu plais en temps réel grâce à l'application Twoo
Obtiens l'application Twoo
Tu as reçu cette notification car tu as un profil en tant que Auraog.blogdoerivelc ( sur Twoo - Désinscription. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636.

quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2015

Bienvenue sur Twoo !

Félicitations, tu es maintenant membre de Twoo. Voici quelques conseils :
Bienvenue sur Twoo
Voici quelques astuces pour commencer.
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Tu as reçu cette notification car tu as un profil en tant que Auraog.blogdoerivelc ( sur Twoo - Désinscription. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636.

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2015

Business Vorschlag

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich bin Business Development Manager bei einer ISO 9001:2008 zertifizierten Webdesign & Webentwicklungs Firma.

Wir kooperieren mit verschiedenen Digitalagenturen in den USA, Großbritannien, Australien und Europa.

Wir können Ihnen anbieten folgende Dienstleistungen für einen sehr günstigen Preis bei uns durchführen zu lassen. So können wir z.B. Webdesignprojekte oder Suchmaschinenoptimierung für Sie durchführen - wir bleiben dabei dezent im Hintergrund und erledigen die Entwicklungsarbeit für Ihr Unternehmen.

Hier eine kurze Übersicht zu unseren Dienstleistungen:

  • Webdesign & Webentwicklung
  • E-Commerce Projekte, Online-Shops
  • Entwicklung von Webapplikationen
  • HTML5 Entwicklung
  • Mobile Webentwicklung

Lassen Sie mich wissen wenn Sie an unseren Leistungen interessiert sind. Ich melde mich dann umgehend bei Ihnen und wir können weitere Details zu Ihren Projektanforderungen besprechen.
Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort!

Beste Grüße!
Julia Ross


Hinweis: WennSie nicht daran interessiertsind,dann können Sie mitantwortenkann ein einfaches"Nein", werden wir niewieder Kontakt mit Ihnen.

quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015

FW: Pedido: Aguardo seu retorno : - 2966858

boa noite! Pedido em andamento se nao houver resposta ate amanha sera considerado como valido e sera faturado aguardo seu retorno. ped: comercial

quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2015

Business Vorschlag

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Wir sind ein deutsch/indisches IT-Unternehmen mit über 40 Angestellten, das auf Web- und Mobileentwicklung spezialisiert ist. Während wir durch indische Entwickler günstige Preise anbieten können, entsprechen wir durch deutsche  Qualitätssicherung und Projektmanagement höchsten Qualitätsanforderungen.

Unsere Spezialgebiete sind:

  • Webapplikation,
  • Web-Entwicklung,
  • Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO)
  • web-basierte Unternehmenslösungen

Ihre Webseite ist uns ins Auge gefallen. Diese kann auf verschiedene Weise, z.B. durch SEO noch optimiert werden, um die Anzahl der Klicks bzw. Besucher auf Ihrer Webseite zu erhöhen. Dies ermöglicht Ihnen Ihre Unternehmensziele zu erreichen.

Hierbei helfen wir Ihnen gerne mit unserem erfahrenen SEO- und Webdesignteam.

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie mit uns in Kontakt treten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Jill Robertson

Hinweis: WennSie nicht daran interessiertsind,dann können Sie mitantwortenkann ein einfaches"Nein", werden wir niewieder Kontakt mit Ihnen.


quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015

Google Position



Hope this email finds you well.


I am Ajeet Roy, SEO-Consultant.       


I went through your website and checked it for a few keywords on Google. Unfortunately, it was not ranking on any of those. It was not ranking on any of the search engines as per the keywords pertaining to your domain.

As per the trends in your industry – over 80% of people search for your products/services online and buy the same. These rankings also influence other channels of sales as well.

It is simple maths—the more people who come to your website, the more potential customers you attract. Don’t wait another moment to drive more traffic, increase sales, and improve your visual appearance.

ü   If you are willing to have more business online and more Return on Investment (ROI) we are just an Email /Phone away.

ü  We can increase the number of visitors to your website, and get you on the top searches of all the search engines.

ü   Affordable way to market website and get online business.

ü  I shall look forward to hear from you soon.


I'd be happy to send you our package, pricing and past work details, if you'd like to assess our work.

Feel free to discuss any other any queries.

Best Regards,
Ajeet Roy     


quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2015

Áureo Germano De Oli deixou uma mensagem pra você

Áureo Germano De Oli deixou uma mensagem pra você
Ler este email em: Español, English, Français, العربية‏, Română, e 32 outros idiomas.
Você recebeu este e-mail porque Áureo Germano De Oli quer se conectar com no Twoo. Cancelar
Áureo Germano De Oli
deixou uma mensagem para você!
Veja a sua mensagem ➔
Pode responder imediatamente pelo nosso chat.
Equipa Twoo
Não deseja receber mais e-mails como este? Clique aqui. Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, 9000 Ghent, Belgium BE0537240636.

quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015

Xanax $199 only - from leading manufacturers

FACTORY made Xanax (1mg) 60 pills
$199, shipping included
You see hundred offers daily, though here with us you have deals & highly competitive prices for factory made variety of products. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Any questions? Our professional 24/7 customer care is here for you.
Why don't you give us a try?

terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015

Re: Good afternoon

Good afternoon
I envy a dog that good people made wheels instead of missing legs, and I was on the contrary taken away, showing no pity, no compassion, no understanding for long 5 months.
After selling my parents' house, after their death, I bought a used car Peugeot Boxer MAXI 1999, earned money, made major repairs, in order not to stand in the field in my position, asking for help.
In YouTube there is a video clip of "Wheels of the dog", where there are no legs! This video clip has been viewed by millions of people. Here I am, quietly crying for 24 years, bedridden, but because my movement and communication with the world was a car that was destroyed by the Assistant Attorney of Kiev-Sviatoshynsky district of Kiev in Ukraine, on one black day for me, when we drove home with a women who cares for me, from the hospital and we met halfway a Jeep Honda CR-V that hit us head-on. In Ukraine, a mess is going on and I understood that the prosecutor's office will close the case and I will stay without a car.
I'm not asking for alms, though I am a disabled person of the first group, I work 18 hours a day, because my fingers are not manageable, create and develop sites, promote the work of enterprises, so even for a meeting with a client I needed a car, due to the fact, that under the circumstances, I live far away from civilization.
Tearfully beg you to help me, please, buy a car Peugeot Boxer, or FIAT Ducato, Citroen Jumper maxi, from 1997 to 2004 (they are all in one body). In Ukraine, you can buy them from $ 4000-6000. Maybe you have one standing and you do not use it, give it to me and I'll be very, very grateful to you, again I will have the wheels and can drive to the hospital, to the store, etc. and live more or less a full life in this world.
24 long years I have been confined to bed (after a serious injury, fracture of 4 cervical vertebrae with subsequent transplantation of one of them). I do not lose heart and do not go with the flow. I work at a computer. Create websites and promote them, if you need a website or promotion, call, please.
No one can help me, my parents died 14 years ago, two brothers, too. Watches and cares for me late brother's wife, she is 57 years old.
There is a mess going on here in Ukraine and the State doesn't care for us and I have to beg.
Thank you very much for your understanding and compassion. I will pray and give thanks for any help from you.
I will be glad to see you on a visit to Ukraine.
Documents confirming my disability and photos of the accident (RTI) I will provide upon your request.

Тel.: +38 (067) 720-95-86
Тel.: +38 (093) 743-68-01
skype: sh911sh






















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