Rainbow Swiss Chard – Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds
- Certified Organic/Heirloom Seeds
- 150 seeds – open-pollinated so you can harvest seed and save for next year’s planting!
- Animated stalks in colors of the rainbow – red, pink, gold, yellow, purple and more
- Try sauteeing like spinach with a small olive oil and sea salt!
- 35-60 days
Rainbow Swiss Chard grows to nearly 26″ tall and produces heavy yields of animated leaves in colors of the rainbow, including red, cherry, pink, gold, yellow, purple and orange. This diversity is mild-flavored and goes fantastic in salads or cooked like spinach. A gorgeous addition to any garden! If you want the most abundant and productive crop from your plants, PLEASE do not overlook our MegaVeggie product. This is the most incredible organic soil amendment you could possibly use on your vegetable … .
Search And Suggestion for Rainbow Swiss Chard – Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds
- sauteed rainbow swiss chard the nutrition source
- Recipe courtesy of Harvard University Dining Services. Serves 4. 1 pound rainbow Swiss chard, washed in several changes of water and thoroughly dried, stems removed .
- http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/sauted-rainbow-swiss-chard/
- chard wikipedia the free encyclopedia
- Chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla), is a leafy green vegetable often used in Mediterranean cooking. The leaves can be green or reddish in color like Bibb Lettuce .
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chard
- panfried rainbow trout with pecans and brown butter and
- Get this all-star, easy-to-follow Pan-Fried Rainbow Trout with Pecans and Brown Butter and Swiss Chard with Serrano Chile Vinegar recipe from Bobby Flay..
- http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/bobby-flay/pan-fried-rainbow-trout-with-pecans-and-brown-butter-and-swiss-chard-with-serrano-chile-vinegar-recipe2.html
- rainbow swiss chard five color silverbeet heirloom
- Rainbow Swiss Chard (Five Color Silverbeet) - Heirloom, Open-Pollinated, non-Hybrid Victory Seeds®.
- http://www.victoryseeds.com/swiss_chard_rainbow.html
- rainbow swiss chard information recipes and facts
- Information about Rainbow Swiss Chard including applications, recipes, nutritional value, taste, seasons, availability, storage, restaurants, cooking, geography and .
- http://www.specialtyproduce.com/produce/Rainbow_Swiss_Chard_8506.php
- swiss chard recipe simply recipes
- Swiss chard recipe, sautéed in olive oil with garlic and crushed red pepper..
- http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/swiss_chard/
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Rainbow Swiss Chard – Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds